Following the conference, a book has been published in april 2012 by the Presses de Sciences Po, Paris :
Controverses climatiques, sciences et politique
Under the direction of Edwin Zaccai, François Gemenne & Jean-Michel Decroly
Collection Académique – Domaine Développement durable
ISBN 978-2-7246-1239-4 – SODIS 729.265.9 – 22 €
In the last few months, important controversies have sparked pungent criticism of the science of climate change both in the scientific world and in the media. Books, articles, and conferences questioning the findings supported by the renowned IPCC are multiplying. Without denying the very existence of climate change, skeptics seek to re-evaluate its anthropogenic character and its importance. These important differences affect the social representation of climatic changes as well as the individual and group behaviors and policies relating to the changes. The opposing opinions have become polarized to the extent that public officials are torn between adopting a more “laissez-faire” approach to climate regulation and promoting proactive actions and policies aimed at reducing emissions of greenhouse gases.
In this context of urgent debate, the conference aimed to unravel the form, content and actors of the controversies surrounding climate change. First, we exposed the scientific aspects of the debate on climate change, thus confronting points of convergence and divergence among various pieces of modern scientific evidence. Next, we focused on the actors central to the controversies and compared various country cases (France, United Kingdom, United States, etc.). This segment of the conference offered a look at the financial and organizational features of both sides of the dispute, with particular emphasis on the role of the IPCC. A third part of the conference focused on the media representation of the climate controversies and the different reactions it triggers in the general public. Finally, the conference questioned the effects of these climate controversies on public initiatives and confronted the viewpoints of representatives at various levels (European Union, national and state entities).
You will find the presentations and videos of the speakers on this website.
The conference then moved to Paris, where two round tables examined the linkages between ideological cleavages and scientific controversies, as well as the visual representation of these controversies. The first round table sought to examine how scientific controversies match political cleavages in different countries. Do controversies stem from ideological oppositions, or do they create new political cleavages? The second round table was devoted to the visualization and representation of these controversies in the public space: how does our perception of the problem influence the solution to address the problem?
Presentations held in this part are available on the IDDRI website
Jean-Michel Decroly, François Gemenne & Edwin Zaccaï
on behalf of the organizing committee
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Jean-Louis TISON (Professor in climatology at the ULB)
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Camille PISANI (Director of the IRSNB)
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- Claude Henry – Scientific uncertainty and fabricated uncertainty (pdf)
- Claude Henry – Incertitude scientifique et incertitude fabriquée (pdf)
- Olivier Godard – Le climat, l’imposteur et le sophiste
- Sylvestre Huet – Les journalistes face au street fight (pdf)
- Riley Dunlap & Aaron McCright – A Widening Gap : Republican and democratic views on climate change (pdf)
- Amy Dahan – After Copenhagen : Revisiting both the scientific & political framings of the climate change regime (pdf)
- Amy Dahan & Stefan Aykut – Copenhague : la crise durable du régime climatique ou la fin d’un cycle (pdf)
- Olivier Godard – Le climato-scepticisme mediatique, permanence du sophisme et logique du trouble (pdf)
- Edwin Zaccai – Climato-scepticisme, les facteurs favorables (pdf)
- Jean-Michel Decroly – Un cadre d’analyse des controverses climatiques (pdf)
- To download the full program, click here (PDF – 2.2MB)
- To download the poster, click here (PDF – 460KB)
- « Climate controversies » featured on the Courrier de la Planète website (fr)